阉割鸡巴 Castrating the Dick

Girls were born without pee-pees. Their cognition and sensation accumulate through body surface, teasing their mind, yet there is never an exit for furious ejaculation. Only by touching and scrubbing and converging could they implode tenderly inwards.

Their arousal is not characterized as erected arms, but rather contracting wounds, ineffable and inconsolable interlaced affinity and hatred, and silence of the Passion.

Sure, they are the castrated, castrated by nature and the society, leaving the impalpable passion accumulated inside their body fuse intensely, conceiving intangible hopes and dreams.

是呀,女性的强大是内敛的,正如女性的快感和高潮一样。她在经历自己体内的宇宙万象。罗曼语族的 la force 是阴性,所以塔罗的力量是少女徒手钳制着她内在的狮子。既不是手段(剑)、也不是奇迹(魔法),而是人类本身的温柔和刚毅。
Yes, the power of women is introverted, as it is for feminine pleasure and orgasm. She is experiencing the universe inside her own body. La force, in Romance languages, is feminine, thus the Strength of Tarot appears as woman clamps the lion inside her bare-handed. It is by neither means, nor miracles, but the very affection and determination of humanity.

Men have cocks, leading to their overdependence on cocks, and when they are informed of their own castration, this fear and reluctance and yearn for intrinsic femininity reaches its climax.

The hermaphrodites, too, cannot escape the realm of men unless they harness their cocks with own pussies; in which her clitoris is not used for erection, penetration or urination, but a catalyst for inward bursts, an extension of a pussy.

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